Active Member

An Active Member is a member who wishes to serve the Brigade in a continuous and involved manner.

1. Shall not respond to emergency calls unless s/he meets drill requirements for Responding Members, Fire Police, or Truck Drivers.
2. Must attend eight (8) meetings within the Brigade year; or, for a first-year member, must attend 70% of the meetings held upon becoming a member.
3. Must attend and participate in one (1) fundraiser per year.
4. Must have documented or verified reasons to be exempted from the attendance requirements.
5. May vote at regular or special meetings. May vote at Annual Meeting if s/he has attended eight (8) monthly meetings within the previous Brigade year; or, for a first-year member, has attended 70% of the meetings held upon becoming a member.
6. May use or borrow equipment or property from the Brigade upon receiving prior approval from the President, Chief, Deputy Chief, or Captain.
7. May hold elected or appointed office.
8. Time served as an Active Member will be counted towards eligibility for Life Membership.